View our coloured uPVC windows gallery below and get inspired.


Make a Statement with Coloured uPVC Windows for Your Home

If you’re looking to make a real statement with your windows, basic white frames might not fit the bill. More and more homeowners are moving towards coloured uPVC to enhance the character of their property and bring out its period features. We offer uPVC double glazed windows in different colours with lots more options available to special order.

uPVC windows are very durable, with many of them having a lifespan of more than 25 years. 

Double glazed windows, otherwise known as insulating glass, are made using two panes of glass that are separated by a vacuum or gas-filled space to decrease the heat transfer. This makes for a steadier temperature in your home or commercial building and reduces noise.

Why Choose uPVC Windows?

uPVC windows have become an increasingly popular choice for homeowners throughout the Norfolk area in the last several years because of their array of benefits.
  • Insulation: uPVC windows offer superior insulation benefits over traditional wood, saving you on energy costs. Some manufacturers offer additional insulation options to boost comfort and reduce your energy costs even further.
  • Noise Reduction: Many homeowners have found that uPVC windows have superior insulation and double-glazing techniques that help to reduce unwanted outside noise. If you live next to a busy area or a lively neighborhood, uPVC windows can help make your home more peaceful.
  • Low Maintenance: uPVC windows do not require painting or staining and can be cleaned using water and a mild detergent. They are extremely low maintenance and a little bit of care will go a long way!
  • Durability: uPVC windows can stand up to the tough elements and are not known to rot or corrode. The coating on uPVC windows can also protect against fading from the sun's harsh rays. uPVC windows were created to truly withstand the test of time.
  • Ventilation: In order to fully take advantage of cross breezes, some uPVC window styles can be opened in two directions. Depending on your space and needs, your windows can help boost ventilation and comfort.
  • Eco-Friendly: Once their lifespan is over, uPVC windows can be fully recycled so their materials can be reused. This makes for a very eco-friendly product that has a positive impact on the environment.
  • Customisable Options: Due to advancements in technology and manufacturing, uPVC windows are now available in a variety of shapes, styles and colours. They can even be created to mimic textures like wood grain!
  • Affordability: Compared to other window materials, uPVC is a rather affordable option. Their array of benefits and durability make them a great investment for any area of your home.
The benefits of uPVC windows greatly outweigh those offered by other materials. For more information about how uPVC windows could improve the comfort, functionality and appearance of your home, contact us today.

What's the difference between PVC and uPVC Windows?

The 'u' in uPVC stands for 'unplasticised.' That means it does not contain any phthalates, which in turn means it is fire-resistant and can transport water more safely. PVC is typically used to transport water that isn't meant for human consumption, as well as in electrical cabling. 

uPVC is usually used in place of wood when constructing windows, as well as in place of cast iron when making drains, downspouts, and gutters. 
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